let haStateURL = "http://beacon:1880/ha_state"
let metrics = {
roomDefaultOpacity : 0.15,
roomHighlightOpacity : 0.6,
roomHighlightDuration : 0.3,
roomUnhighlightDuration : 0.3,
ringThickness : 0.4,
ringTicks : 60,
ringTickLength : 1,
ringTickDimension : 0.07,
animationCurve : TWEEN.Easing.Cubic.InOut,
// colors
backgroundColor : '#363537',
color1 : '#EF2D56',
color2 : '#ED7D3A',
color3 : '#8CD867',
color4 : '#2FBF71'
const scene = new THREE.Scene()
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(80, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 )
let homeContainer = new THREE.Group()
let home = new THREE.Group()
let sunContainer = new THREE.Group()
let sunGeo = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 32, 32)
let sunMat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: metrics.color3 })
let sunMesh = new THREE.Mesh(sunGeo, sunMat)
sunMesh.transparent = true
// key: area name
// value: info
var areaData = { }
var areasWithEntitiesToUpdate = { }
var haInfo = { }
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
logarithmicDepthBuffer : true
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight )
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement )
const light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xFFAAAA, 1)
light.position.z = 100
scene.background = new THREE.Color(metrics.backgroundColor)
// back the camera up
camera.position.z = 25
// flip home on x axis
home.rotation.x = Math.PI
// Rotate container a bit for comfort
homeContainer.rotation.x = 0.6 * (-Math.PI / 2)
// Returns the first child (or container) whose name matches
function childWithName(container, name) {
if (container.userData.name == name) {
return container
for (var child of container.children) {
let childMatches = childWithName(child, name)
if (childMatches != null) {
return childMatches
return null
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate )
var areasToUpdate = new Set()
for (var area of Object.keys(areasWithEntitiesToUpdate)) {
let updatedEntities = areasWithEntitiesToUpdate[area]
if (updatedEntities.length > 0) {
let label = childWithName(scene, area + "LABEL")
for (var area of areasToUpdate) {
let updatedEntities = areasWithEntitiesToUpdate[area]
// plh-evil: use these somehow?
let areaContainer = childWithName(scene, area)
let box = childWithName(areaContainer, "box")
let fadeIn = new TWEEN.Tween(box.material)
.to( { opacity: metrics.roomHighlightOpacity }, metrics.roomHighlightDuration * 1000)
let fadeOut = new TWEEN.Tween(box.material)
.to( { opacity: metrics.roomDefaultOpacity }, metrics.roomUnhighlightDuration * 1000)
// This will rotate to the area that has a change
let rotate = new TWEEN.Tween(homeContainer.rotation)
.to( { z: areaData[area].angle }, 2000 )
let label = childWithName(scene, area + "LABEL")
let labelScaleIn = new TWEEN.Tween(label.material)
.to( { opacity: 1.0 }, 500)
let labelScaleOut = new TWEEN.Tween(label.material)
.to( { opacity: 0.0 }, 500)
rotate.chain(fadeIn, labelScaleIn)
let sun = haInfo.sun
if (sun != null) {
let elevation = sun.attributes.elevation
let azimuth = sun.attributes.azimuth
sunMesh.position.y = 15
sunContainer.rotation.z = -1 * (azimuth / 360) * 2 * Math.PI
sunContainer.rotation.y = (elevation / 360) * 2 * Math.PI
renderer.render( scene, camera )
function createTextMesh(text, colorName) {
let canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
let context = canvas.getContext('2d')
let font = '144px monospace'
context.textAlign = "center"
context.font = font
let size = context.measureText(text)
let height = context.measureText('M').width * 1.5
size.height = height
let canvasScale = 1
canvas.width = size.width * canvasScale
canvas.height = size.height * canvasScale
context.font = font
console.log([canvas.width, canvas.height])
context.fillStyle = colorName
context.fillText(text, 0, 100)
let texture = new THREE.CanvasTexture(canvas)
texture.needsUpdate = true
let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: texture
material.transparent = true
material.depthTest = false
let scaleFactor = 0.005
let plane = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(canvas.width * scaleFactor, canvas.height * scaleFactor)
let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(plane, material)
return mesh
var lastUpdateTime = new Date()
function updateWithHAData(data) {
// `data` is an array of entities. loop through and group by area
var areasToEntities = { }
var areasToUpdatedEntities = { }
var areaNames = new Array()
for (var name of Object.keys(areaData)) {
areasToEntities[name] = new Array()
areasToUpdatedEntities[name] = new Array()
let sortedAreaNames = areaNames
sortedAreaNames.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.length - a.length
for (var entity of data) {
let id = entity.entity_id
// Special treatment for the sun
if (id == 'sun.sun') {
haInfo.sun = entity
let friendlyName = entity.attributes.friendly_name || entity.entity_id
for (var area of sortedAreaNames) {
let matchesUnderscored = id.includes(area.toLowerCase().replace(' ','_'))
let matchesNoSpaces = id.includes(area.toLowerCase().replace(' ',''))
let matchesFriendlyName = friendlyName.includes(area)
let matches = matchesUnderscored || matchesNoSpaces || matchesFriendlyName
if (matches) {
let areaEntities = areasToEntities[area]
areasToEntities[area] = areaEntities
let lastUpdate = new Date(entity.last_changed)
if (lastUpdate > lastUpdateTime) {
let areaUpdatedEntities = areasToUpdatedEntities[area]
areasToUpdatedEntities[area] = areaUpdatedEntities
lastUpdateTime = new Date()
areasWithEntitiesToUpdate = areasToUpdatedEntities
async function loadHAData() {
let request = new Request(haStateURL)
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(json => {
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 250))
.then(_ => {
function setPosition(mesh, x, y, z, w, h, d) {
// position sets the *center* position
// our coordinates are top/left/bottom
let meshX = x + w/2
let meshY = y + h/2
let meshZ = -z - d/2
mesh.position.x = meshX
mesh.position.y = meshY
mesh.position.z = meshZ
function configureScene(data) {
var minX = 1000
var maxX = -1000
var minY = minX
var maxY = maxX
var minZ = minX
var maxZ = maxX
// Add geometry for the rooms
for (var room of data.rooms) {
let roomContainer = new THREE.Group()
roomContainer.userData.name = room.name
areaData[room.name] = room
let roomGeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(room.w, room.h, room.d)
let roomColor = new THREE.Color(metrics.color1)
let roomBoxMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial({ color: roomColor })
roomBoxMaterial.transparent = true
roomBoxMaterial.opacity = metrics.roomDefaultOpacity
let roomMesh = new THREE.Mesh(roomGeo, roomBoxMaterial)
roomMesh.userData.name = "box"
let roomEdgesGeo = new THREE.EdgesGeometry(roomGeo)
let roomLinesMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(metrics.color2) })
roomLinesMaterial.transparent = true
roomLinesMaterial.linewidth = 4
let roomLines = new THREE.LineSegments(roomEdgesGeo, roomLinesMaterial)
roomLines.userData.name = "lines"
let roomZ = room.z || 0
setPosition(roomContainer, room.x, room.y, roomZ, room.w, room.h, room.d)
let roomLabel = createTextMesh(room.name, metrics.color3)
roomLabel.material.opacity = 0
roomLabel.userData.name = room.name + "LABEL"
minX = Math.min(minX, room.x)
minY = Math.min(minY, room.y)
minZ = Math.min(minZ, roomZ)
maxX = Math.max(maxX, room.x + room.w)
maxY = Math.max(maxY, room.y + room.h)
maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, roomZ + room.d)
let xExtent = maxX - minX
let yExtent = maxY - minY
let zExtent = maxZ - minZ
home.position.x = -1 * (xExtent / 2)
home.position.y = +1 * (yExtent / 2)
home.position.z = -1 * (zExtent / 2)
let homeCenterX = minX + (xExtent / 2)
let homeCenterY = minY + (yExtent / 2)
let homeCenterZ = minZ + (zExtent / 2)
for (var room of data.rooms) {
let name = room.name
let centerX = room.x + room.w / 2
let centerY = room.y + room.h / 2
let centerZ = (room.z || 0) + room.d / 2
let unitX = (centerX - homeCenterX) / (xExtent / 2)
let unitY = (centerY - homeCenterY) / (yExtent / 2)
let unitZ = (centerZ - homeCenterZ) / (zExtent / 2)
let radiusXY = Math.sqrt(unitX * unitX + unitY * unitY)
unitX *= (1.0 / radiusXY)
unitY *= (1.0 / radiusXY)
// Compute rotations
let angleX = Math.acos(unitX)
let angleY = Math.asin(unitY)
let angle = 0
if (unitX > 0 && unitY > 0) {
// First quadrant
if (angleX < Math.PI/2) {
angle = angleX
} else {
angle = angleY
} else if (unitX < 0 && unitY > 0) {
// Second quadrant
if (angleX > Math.PI/2 && angleX < Math.PI) {
angle = angleX
} else {
angle = angleY
} else if (unitX < 0 && unitY < 0) {
// Third quadrant
if (angleX > Math.PI && angleX < Math.PI * 1.5) {
angle = angleX
} else {
angle = angleY
} else {
// Fourth quadrant
if (angleX > Math.PI * 1.5 && angleX < Math.PI * 2) {
angle = angleX
} else {
angle = angleY
// update in areaData
areaData[room.name].angle = angle - Math.PI/2
// position label
let label = childWithName(scene, room.name + "LABEL")
let radiusForLabel = radiusXY
label.position.x += (unitX * 6)
label.position.y += (unitY * 6)
label.position.z += (unitZ * 6)
let ringDimension = Math.max(xExtent, yExtent) * 0.8
let ringGeo = new THREE.RingGeometry(ringDimension - metrics.ringThickness / 2,
ringDimension + metrics.ringThickness / 2,
let ringMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: new THREE.Color(metrics.color1), side: THREE.DoubleSide } )
ringMaterial.transparent = true
let ring = new THREE.Mesh(ringGeo, ringMaterial)
ring.userData.name = "ring"
ring.position.x = homeCenterX
ring.position.y = homeCenterY
let tickGeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(metrics.ringTickDimension, metrics.ringTickLength, metrics.ringTickDimension)
for (var tickIndex = 0; tickIndex < metrics.ringTicks; tickIndex++) {
let tickRadianStep = (2 * Math.PI) / metrics.ringTicks
let tickRadians = tickRadianStep * tickIndex
let tickContainer = new THREE.Group()
let tickColor = new THREE.Color('black')
let tickMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(metrics.color2) })
tickMaterial.transparent = true
let tickMesh = new THREE.Mesh(tickGeo, tickMaterial)
tickContainer.rotation.z = tickRadians
tickMesh.position.y = ringDimension
tickContainer.userData.name = tickIndex
tickMesh.userData.name = "box"
let tickPulse = new TWEEN.Tween(tickMesh.scale)
.delay(THREE.MathUtils.randFloat(0, 4000))
.to( { y: 2 }, 1000 )
async function loadHomeData() {
let request = new Request('data.json')
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(json => {
// Kick off first HA load