const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
let homeContainer = new THREE.Group()
let home = new THREE.Group()
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
const light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xFFAAAA, 1)
light.position.z = 100
// back the camera up
camera.position.z = 25
// flip home on x axis
home.rotation.x = Math.PI
// Rotate container a bit for comfort
homeContainer.rotation.x = 0.6 * (-Math.PI / 2)
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
homeContainer.rotation.z += 0.005;
renderer.render( scene, camera );
function setPosition(mesh, x, y, z, w, h, d) {
// position sets the *center* position
// our coordinates are top/left/bottom
let meshX = x + w/2
let meshY = y + h/2
let meshZ = z - d/2
mesh.position.x = meshX
mesh.position.y = meshY
mesh.position.z = meshZ
function configureScene(data) {
var minX = 1000
var maxX = -1000
var minY = minX
var maxY = maxX
// Add geometry for the rooms
for (var room of data.rooms) {
let roomGeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(room.w, room.h, room.d)
let roomColor = new THREE.Color(room.color)
let roomMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial({ color: roomColor })
let roomMesh = new THREE.Mesh(roomGeo, roomMaterial)
setPosition(roomMesh, room.x, room.y, room.z || 0, room.w, room.h, room.d)
roomMesh.userData = room.name
minX = Math.min(minX, room.x)
minY = Math.min(minY, room.y)
maxX = Math.max(maxX, room.x + room.w)
maxY = Math.max(maxY, room.y + room.h)
let xExtent = maxX - minX
let yExtent = maxY - minY
home.position.x = -1 * (xExtent / 2)
home.position.y = +1 * (yExtent / 2)
async function doLoad() {
let request = new Request('data.json');
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(json => {